Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How a Digital Agency Can Simplify Your Web Design Complexities

When creating your business’s website design, it is understandable that you would want to include as many of the current, compelling web design trends as possible in hopes of attracting lots of traffic. But this tactic may actually make your website confusing and difficult to use, which may actually cause users to leave your site without engaging. Fortunately, when partnering with an experienced web design agency in Norfolk VA, such as TechArk Solutions can help your business navigate creating a website that is both innovative and intuitive to users. Let’s dive deeper into some common methods to help simplify your business’s website design.

  • Keep Your Homepage Simple 

Your homepage sets the tone for the entirety of your business’s website. Keeping the design of your homepage simple allows the user to cut through the distractions and know what to do next.

  • White Space is Key 

White space, also known as negative space, is space within your site design that is void of all site elements. White space can help accentuate and draw attention to specific information. It does not literally have to be white, the only requirement is that space is not competing for the user’s attention in any way. Now it might seem counterintuitive that you would want to not fill the user’s entire screen, but in fact, white space is a key ingredient for creating a simple and elegant website.   

  • Use Lots of Images

Including captivating images on your website is a no-brainer, and the more images you use on your business’s website the better. Look for content on your site that could be represented by an image instead. Or create a custom infographic that can incorporate both content and imagery in one innovative design element.

  • Limit Your Menu

Your first instinct when creating your business’s website might be to include as much information as possible, which may cause you to make many pages. And the more pages you have, the bigger the menu your website will need. It is recommended that you limit your site menu to no more than 7 pages. And though dropdown menus may help save space, they may actually make your site too complicated. If dropdown menus are unavoidable, they should be used cautiously and only when absolutely necessary.

  • Remove All Ads 

Incorporating ads, especially on your website’s homepage, adds unnecessary complexity to your site. Many users feel that advertisements that pop-up when they are navigating your site to be annoying, especially if they are unable to easily close out the ad and get back to their desired action. If these ads become too abundant or hinder their ability to find the answers they are looking for, users are likely to navigate away. Long story short, removing any ads on your website will make your business’s website easier to use.

  • Get Rid Unclicked Site Elements

After your website has been published for some time, it is genuinely a smart idea to view the site’s analytics to see how it is performing. If you notice any website elements that are underperforming, it may be best to remove them. Removing any unclicked site elements will help simplify your site.

  • Use Above-the-Fold Space for One Goal

For this, it is best to determine the purpose of the page. Is the goal to make users sign up for a free trial or read a blog, etc? Once you have determined what the purpose of the page is going to be, you can design the page to focus on accomplishing that goal. Of course, you can still incorporate a menu that allows the user flexibility and to customize their experience on your business’s website. Ultimately, designing your page to revolve around the desired action will both simplify your site design and encourage users to convert.  

  • Intuitive Site Structure

When creating your business’s website, structuring the site to be intuitive and easy to navigate is crucial. If users are unable to find the information they are looking for easily, it could cause them to leave without engaging. The best rule of thumb is to allow users to get to the information they want within two clicks or less.


When creating a website for your business it can be easy to make it too complex. And if your website is complicated and difficult to use, visitors may become frustrated and leave without engaging. Partnering with a web design agency, such as TechArk Solutions in Norfolk VA, ensures your business’s website incorporates all the necessary information without it becoming overly complicated.

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